Rachael Hamilton MSP supports a project aimed at regenerating Jedburgh High Street, which sees empty shops being transformed into galleries.
As part of the ongoing Jedburgh Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (Jedburgh CARS), shops in the town centre were playing host to artworks from various local artists during June.
In a meeting with Colin Gilmour of Jedburgh CARS, Rachael was delighted at refurbishment of shop into a gallery, with informative displays of changes in shop fronts in Scotland over time.
Refurbishing the High Streets is an important step in promoting growth and redevelopment of Scottish Border Towns.
Jedburgh High Street has constantly been changing ever since over the years and this regeneration is just another step in its ever-changing history.
Jedburgh CARS is a heritage led regeneration project focused on Jedburgh town centre, offering grant aid towards repair works to traditional buildings, as well as supporting complementary initiatives to increase understanding of the town’s rich heritage and promotion of traditional skills.
Ms Hamilton hopes that other Border towns can see the benefit that running such a project can bring in revitalising town centres.
Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire MSP, Rachael Hamilton said:
“I’m delighted at this attempt to redevelop Jedburgh High Street and appreciate the hard work of all those involved.
“I hope to encourage this type of project in many other border towns due to how the High Streets are such an integral part of the Community.
“High Streets have always been changing and this redevelopment should be a change for the better.