Rachael Hamilton MSP has been reselected as the Scottish Conservative and Unionist candidate to stand in Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire for the 2021 Scottish Parliamentary election.
The Borders Conservatives Association voted to readopt Ms Hamilton as the candidate, following a speech and a question and answer session at an adoption meeting in Ednam village hall on Friday evening.
Ms Hamilton won the seat in the 2017 by-election following the resignation of John Lamont, who fought the General Election and was then elected as the MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk.
Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire MSP, Rachael Hamilton said:
“I am delighted to be readopted as the candidate for the 2021 election for Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire.
“I want to thank the Borders Conservatives Association for readopting me and it is always an honour to serve as MSP for our beautiful Borders constituency.
“I will continue to give the people of the Borders 100%, I am proud to represent everyone, no matter how my constituents voted.
“Since being elected in 2017, I have worked tirelessly to tackle rural issues, such as poor transport provision, issues with digital connectivity, the gender pay gap, and a lack of opportunities for our young people”.