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Rachael Hamilton MSP has praised the work of hardworking Borderers during the coronavirus pandemic.
NHS staff and volunteers have been working round the clock across the Borders to keep services going.
Many local resilience teams in Kelso, Jedburgh and Hawick have been helping in the community through delivering groceries to elderly people or looking after ‘high risk’ individuals.
Jedburgh Resilience Team is just one example of where the community have pulled together to deal with the pandemic.
Many resilience centres are calling for volunteers. All volunteers are covered by SBC insurance and are all part of the Humanitarian Aid Centres - a network of Humanitarian Aid Centres (HACs) established across the region as part of a co-ordinated response between Scottish Borders Council, NHS Borders, the Third Sector and local Resilient Community Groups.
Details of the teams are on Rachael Hamilton’s website (www.rachaelhamilton.co.uk, under COVID-19 Important Contacts).
Further to this, Mrs Hamilton and the Scottish Conservatives have called on the Scottish Government to implement the same voluntary service as NHS England, to allow Scots to volunteer in the Scottish NHS.
Rachael Hamilton MSP said:
“I want to thank all the volunteers who have been played their part in helping us through these difficult times.
“I have heard some wonderful stories of communities pulling together to help one another.
“It is a time when we all have to look out for each other. Whether that is through implementing elderly shopper hours in supermarkets to delivering prescriptions for neighbours.
“The crisis has shown that there is a lot of kindness out there, and people are working hard to improve the lives of many.
“I join the calls of my party in calling on the Scottish Government to create a volunteer service for the Scottish NHS, as there are many people ready and willing to enlist and help our NHS”.